What Should you Expect from your IT Support Provider?
What Should you Expect from your IT Support Provider?

More and more business processes are becoming reliant on technology, particularly as organisations across the globe begin to embrace the hybrid working model. As a result, technical issues can limit your business’ potential for growth and evolution. Investing in IT support from a valuable and proactive outsourced provider can help you to overcome challenges and optimise your systems. However, it can be challenging to identify a truly reliable and effective IT support provider. Therefore, it is essential that you set clear expectations for your IT partner.  

What qualities should you look for in an IT support provider? 

Bespoke solutions  

Every business is completely unique, operating with specific processes and facing individual challenges. Your IT support provider should recognise this, and tailor their services to your requirements. Whether you need remote or onsite assistance, occasional or twenty-four hour cover or per-user or per device-support, your provider should be able to accommodate your needs. Beyond this, the right IT support provider should strive to add value to your business and help you to achieve your growth goals using innovative technology solutions. Onebyte will help you to create a strategic IT roadmap that will improve key areas of your business. For instance, we will help you harness IT to improve employee productivity, streamline business processes, enhance security and gain a clear competitive edge.  


Dedicated Account Management  

As outsourced IT support providers have access to greater resources, they can undergo technical trainings more regularly. This helps to provide your business with optimal IT services. While partnering with an IT support provider gives you access to the wide knowledge base of technical experts, this should not come at the expense of a personable, reliable relationship. It is vital that your potential IT support partner can provide you with a dedicated account manager, who will have a clear understanding of your needs and advocate for your business. When you partner with Onebyte, we will assign you a Technical Account Manager, who ensures that your IT systems are running seamlessly, tangible results are delivered and your business is being driven towards success.  

Proactive services 

Proactivity is essential to any business relationship, and this is especially true when it comes to IT management. Given the sensitive and ever-evolving nature of technology, when selecting an IT provider, proactivity should be one of your primary requirements. The break-fix model of IT support is now extremely outdated. Your provider shouldn’t wait for your systems to experience disruption before they offer assistance. Instead, they should consistently analyse your IT systems for potential issues, helping you to avoid unnecessary downtime and optimise your processes. 

At Onebyte, this is where your Technical Account Manager (TAM) comes back into play. Your TAM will evaluate the different IT sources and systems your business is using, from your Microsoft 365 data to your ticketing system, spotting trends and identifying any areas for improvement. Then, at your monthly risk review you will be presented with a clear summary of their findings, and a roadmap to action any suggestions that will enhance the functionality of your IT. At Onebyte, we always work with the best interests of your business at heart. 


Why work with Onebyte? 

At Onebyte, proactivity is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to implementing bespoke technical solutions that will unlock the full potential of your business. We support your continuous growth through expert assistance, proven processes and innovative tools.  

Your business is brilliant, and you deserve IT support to match. 

Are you ready to benefit from proactive IT support? 

Let’s Talk

We’re Onebyte

Onebyte is an IT service provider that specialises in providing strategically aligned, compliance-driven, managed IT services to SMEs in London, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire.

This different approach to managing information and technology is guaranteed to find and eliminate risk, increase efficiency and empower our client’s businesses to leverage technology which will provide a real return on the investment they make in their IT and help realise their vision.